
可是買了房子後,才發現家裡需要 [104美國直購] 轉換器 Belkin WeMo White Insight Switch - F7C071

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CNET Editors' Review

Belkin WeMo Insight Switch

CNET LogoEditors' Rating

4.0 out of 5 stars.

Features: 8.0 out of 10

Usability: 8.0 out of 10

Design: 8.0 out of 10

Performance: 9.0 out of 10

The good: A smaller plastic housing and new power usage tracking on Belkin's WeMo Insight Switch bring greater visual appeal and usefulness to Belkin's already winning entry-level smart-home power plug line.

The bad: Setup remains a hassle, it's still large enough to block adjacent outlets, and reliance on IFTTT for advanced programming functions means you'll need to bounce between two different apps to get the most out of the Switch.

The bottom line: Despite a few usability quirks, Belkin's WeMo Insight Switch only improves on the simple, low-risk formula that made Belkin's original programmable WeMo Switch so appealing as a home automation starting point.

? 2015 CBS Interactive Inc., a CBS Company. All rights reserved. Used by permission.

Product Details

WeMo Insight Switch

Turn electronics on or off — from anywhere

Monitor your electronics’ usage/cost and receive custom notifications ? Put your electronic devices on a schedule or have them respond to Sunset and Sunrise

Works on multiple smart devices simultaneously

You’ve already got everything you need: WeMo works with your existing home Wi-Fi network and mobile Internet (3G/4G)

Modular system. You can add additional WeMo Insight Switches easily, any time

Intuitive, easy set up and easy to use

Works with the entire family of Belkin WeMo products

Works with IFTTT, connecting you to a whole world of Web apps

Free WeMo App for Android and iOS operating systems活動

One-year limited warranty

WeMo Insight Switch




[104美國直購] 轉換器 Belkin WeMo White Insight Switch - F7C071 討論,推薦,開箱,CP值,熱賣,團購,便宜,優惠,介紹,排行,精選,特價,周年慶,體驗,限時




即將揮別 2016 年,各式各樣的信用卡紅利和飛行哩程也都將到期,為解決此現象,遠東集團旗下集點平台 HAPPY GO 推出「年終轉點運動」,提醒卡友從最容易累積點數的銀行信用卡與飛行哩程兩大產業著手,將點數集中更好用。

根據 HAPPG GO 推估,去 (2015) 年全年台灣共累積市價近 67 億元的刷卡紅利點數,但其中有近 27 億元的點數因沒有被兌換而蒸發,換算沒有使用的點數比重高達 40%。

為解決此現象,HAPPY GO 提出「年終轉點運動」,目前合作轉點服務的業者包括有花旗、台北富邦、彰化、上海國際商業、華泰等 5 家銀行,還有亞洲萬里通 Asia Miles、長榮航空等,只要卡友擁有這些業者的點數,皆可將快要到期點數轉為 HAPPY GO 點數,不僅可以延長使用周期,還可擴大應用於超過 2 萬個通路。?

HAPPY GO 說明,信用卡已成為國人最普遍的支付工具之一,觀察去年我國信用卡全年簽帳金額突破 2.23 兆元,創歷史新高,累積刷卡紅利,連同蒸發點數也較前一年度高出 25%。

其中原因是,一般卡友常會因為點數累積量少,或是不知如何兌換、未經特別提醒等原因而忘記使用。因此,HAPPY GO 鼓勵卡友「年終轉點」,除了可將點數延長並多元使用,也藉此強化 HAPPY GO 點數的市占。





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